I-40 East Corridor Section 1


Frequently Asked Questions

How will I know if ODOT plans to acquire some of my property?

The proposed right-of-way shown is preliminary and will be refined as the design and construction plans are developed. If your property will be affected, an ODOT-authorized agent will contact you in the future. Right now there is no schedule to complete the I-40 corridor improvements. Right-of-way acquisition and utility relocations for I-40 over Sunnylane Road are anticipated to start in 2025, although this schedule is dependent on funding and subject to change.  

ODOT Property Rights Brochure


What is the process if ODOT needs some of my property? What if ODOT needs to buy my house or business?

ODOT will obtain an independent appraisal and present a fair market value offer for your property.  Owners of affected homes or businesses will be provided with additional relocation assistance. The I-40 and Sunnylane Road project is not anticipated to require any new right-of-way.

ODOT Property Rights Brochure

ODOT Relocation Brochure


What if ODOT needs temporary access for construction or a maintenance easement?

Sometimes ODOT will need temporary access or an easement to maintain the highway and drainage structures. Owners will be compensated for temporary right-of-way and for maintenance easements. In these cases, you will maintain ownership of the property. If your property will be affected, an ODOT-authorized agent will contact you.


Why does ODOT prefer one-way frontage roads?

One-way frontage roads are safer and carry more traffic more efficiently than two-way frontage roads. Intersections on one-way frontage roads have fewer conflict points, or opportunities for collisions. Because traffic signals only have to accommodate three directions of traffic instead of four, they can pass more vehicles through each signal phase. Finally, one-way frontage roads will require less right-of-way when I-40 is widened and will have fewer impacts to homes and businesses.


How will I use one-way frontage roads to access my home or business?

The one-way frontage roads will provide the same access as the two-way frontage roads do today. The difference is, depending on your destination, you may need to exit I-40 a short distance beyond your destination and use the protected turnarounds to return in the other direction on the frontage road. This will be similar to the one-way frontage roads on I-35 and on the John Kilpatrick Turnpike.


When is construction scheduled to begin?

Construction of the I-40 over Sunnylane Road project is currently programmed to begin in 2028. However, the schedule is dependent on funding and subject to change. There is currently no schedule for construction of the I-40 corridor improvements.


How will the project be built?

I-40 will remain open during construction and phased construction will be utilized to maintain traffic. Two lanes of traffic in each direction will be maintained throughout construction.  


Will there be access to my home and property during construction?

Yes, access to homes, businesses, and property adjacent to the project will be maintained during all phases of construction. In some cases, temporary drives may be required until permanent drives can be restored. 


How does ODOT calculate the existing and future traffic volumes?

Traffic counts are taken every two years on state highways. The existing traffic numbers reflect the current condition. The future traffic numbers are projected based on a multiplier based upon area.  

Annual average daily traffic (AADT) is a measure used primarily in transportation engineering. Traditionally, it is the total volume of vehicle traffic on a highway or road for a year divided by 365 days. Therefore, there are days when there is more traffic, but this is an average. AADT is a simple, but useful, measurement of how busy the road is.


Will noise walls be included in the project?

When the design is further along ODOT will conduct a Traffic Noise Study according to Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and ODOT policies and procedures. This study will identify any anticipated noise impacts and the feasibility and reasonableness of noise walls, if necessary.
